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Learning Eastern NC Natural History 
Using Self-Quizzing, Games

Special welcome to NC Science Festival visitors!


Below are links to quizlet's for learning common animals and plants. For most there is a set of info cards describing key features, and flashcards with just names. For songs and calls there are just flash cards.


To do much you have to register in quizlet. But it is free, easy and not too nosy. There are games and an app.


I am, by the way, a Professor in the Department of Biology at East Carolina University and a Faculty Affiliate of the EC Biodiversity Initiative, although the content of this site is my personal responsibility.

Here are short tips on using quizlet and here are longer instructions. Please let me know if you find these useful, or if you have suggestions for improvements. ECU student Peyton Jackson did most of the work 

Costa Rica - La Selva (section under construction)


In case Costa Rican natural history is of  interest, here are some flash cards we made for a planned course at La Selva Biological Station, Heredia Province, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiqui, Costa Rica. They are very much initial efforts, but took some work and might be useful to others, so here they are:


© 2015           

I think that by retaining one’s childhood love of such things as trees, fishes, butterflies and . . . toads, one makes a peaceful and decent future a little more probable.
                                                                                                                 —George Orwell, 1946

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